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Week 14 Assignment 6

Week 14 Assignment 6

Q Week 14: Assignment #6 • Points 6.5 • Submitting a file upload • File Types doc, docx, rtf, and pdf Assignment #6- Read the articles under the globalization and global inequality section by Bardhan, Inglehart/Baker, and 9/11 Commission. Answer the questions posted in the assignment file and upload your work to the assignment area. See the articles section in modules for the question file. Enjoy! Assignment #6- Hijazi (Online) Does Globalization Help of Hurt the World’s Poor? - Bardhan 1. Pranab Bardhan argues that the two main respondents to the effects of globalization do not understand the complexity of the effects of globalization. What would a more accurate discussion of globalization sound like according to him? In other words, what are pro-globalization and anti-globalization advocates missing? 2. The author gives several solutions for how to minimize the hurt and inequality affecting the world’s poor. Which three where most convincing to you? Briefly explain why. What to Do? A Global Strategy Against Terrorism- The 9/11 Commission 1. The 9/11 commission that in order to figure out what to do about global terrorism and how to do it, we must take time for reflection and reevaluations. Why is this so? What has changed in the 21st century that requires such reflection and revaluation? 2. In the article, seven recommendations were made. Which three were most convincing and why? Feel free to add your own recommendations and support. Modernization’s Challenge to Traditional Values- Inglehart and Baker 1. What answers do the authors give to the main questions posed at the start of the article: What impact does economic development have on the values of culture and vice-versa? Is the future of McWorld inevitable? Be sure to discuss the traditional/secular and survival/self-expression dimensions and the limits of the spread of Americanization. Yes, this requires a long answer.

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1. At first, I believed it would be appropriate to mention a film we just watched about Wal-Mart. As a result of economic globalization and expansion of foreign trade and investments many Americans lost their jobs. Process of globalization affected their wages, incomes and access to resources. While exporting goods at a low cost, importing goods and making billions of dollars for a low cost. (labor, wages pay, benefits) Antiglobalizers believe that globalization process is making rich richer, and poor poorer. Even though poverty rate has declined dramatically in China, India and Indonesia but not as result of globalization but due to an internal factor.